Friday, October 11, 2019


            Gut Yontiff, everyone and G’mar hatimh tovah—We have now officially entered the tenth day of these Ten Days of Repentance. Let’s make sure we observe this day fully and pray to be sealed into the Book of Health, Prosperity, Fulfillment and Peace.
              One day, parents of a 13-year-old boy, mindful of the affluent suburb in which they were raising their son, wanted him too understand how grateful he should be for the riches and luxuries that he so often took for granted. And in order to drive this point home, they decided to take him on a trip to the countryside, where he could witness farm life, or at least people whose lifestyle and circumstances were markedly different and less sophisticated than their own. So the family took this trip, stayed in the countryside for a few days, and did their best to expose the young man to how “the others” lived. The boy was deeply impressed and on the way back, the parents asked him what he had learned from the excursion. The boy reflected on the family vacation and admitted that he found the whole thing eye-opening. He noted as follows: our family has a swimming pool, but the farm family had a river flowing near their property; our family has these outdoor electrical lights, but the farm family looks at the night time stars brighter than he has ever seen in his life; our family goes to the store to buy food, but the farm family just grows their own; our family has a dog, but the farm family has four dogs; our family is on property surrounded by a high fence, but the farm family seems to have fields that go on forever. The parents were a little taken aback by their son’s responses and finally asked him—Well what do you make of all this?  Whereupon their son concluded, “I never knew how poor we were.”
              The last time I looked at the Declaration of Independence, that august document asserted that our Creator has endowed us with certain unalienable rights, and among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think we’re doing okay in the life department because after all, here we are and thank God we all look pretty much alive. As far as liberty goes, we still live in a country defined by a generous set of civil liberties and a court system to which we have recourse when we feel those liberties violated. But when it comes to happiness, we don’t seem to be doing as well. The United Nations, in its World happiness Report, found the United States to hold position number 18, well below Australia in position number 10, and Canada in position number 7, and 17 below the happiest nation in the world: Finland. It would seem to me that in a nation that feels good about itself, we would rate happier on the happy scale. But we didn’t. A survey by the American College Health Association also found 52% of college students feeling hopeless while another 39% have suffered from a depression that made it impossible for them to work effectively. That’s a lot of unhappiness. If we are all supposed to be pursuing happiness, I would say that our Happiness GPS system is malfunctioning.
              We can all probably come up with reasons for our unhappiness. We certainly live in a bruising and fractious atmosphere of political combat, which judging from everyone I speak to, makes us anxious. We listen to media outlets that strike us as hopelessly bias, and with all the charges of fake news and skewed reporting, many of us don’t know whom to believe, and in some cases, what to believe. Some people are very upset by the 1%, that is, that percentage of the population that seem to be making wildly more money than anyone else, perhaps because that’s true. And some of us are unhappy because there is a sense that we are living in a kind of end-time, in which the melting ice caps and burning rain forests point to a depletion of earth’s resources that this precious little blue planet of ours simply cannot sustain for long. Our days, or perhaps the days of our children on this earth, are numbered. If that doesn’t make you unhappy, I don’t know what would.
              One of the most popular courses at Yale University is taught by Professor Laurie Santos. It’s PSYC 157: Psychology and the Good Life. It essentially a course on the psychology of happiness, a course which draws on scientific research that has focused on what it is that makes people happy.  A lot of the research stems from the influence of Dr. Martin Seligman who was the founder of a strain of psychology known as positive psychology or the psychology of wellbeing. Because so much psychology of the past has dealt with people exhibiting a variety of mental illnesses or imbalances, Seligman’s idea was to find well-adjusted people, happy people, study them, and thus develop a whole school of psychology focused on mental wellbeing.
              How is your mental health these days? Are you happy? And if you are happy, what is it that has made you happy?
              When you wake up in the morning, is it a new day or is it another day. How you view that day may determine whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. The difference is important because as you may have already guessed, optimists are happier. You almost have to be by definition. What makes optimists happy are at least three different criteria:
1.       Optimists believe they are in control so events do not happen to them, rather they make things happen. When you feel yourself in control, you will almost always feel happier.
2.       Optimists are forward-looking, that is, they relegate the past to the past and see the neutrality of the present moment as an opportunity to make something good happen.
3.       Optimists tend to see the possibilities whereas the pessimist tends to see the problems. Because the optimist is confident that changes can be made, every problem presents the possibility of change. It is the ability to see opportunity in crisis that make optimists happy
In the famous last chapter of the Book of Proverbs, we read about the Eishet Hayil, the Woman of Valor, who is our earliest example of a woman who has it all—a husband, a family, a business, and prestige within the community. Her many attributes are enumerated—her market transactions, her late hours, her wisdom, and her industry—and among them is this one: Vatishak l’yom aharon (Proverbs 31:25b), “…she looks to the future cheerfully.” How many of us look to the future cheerfully? The Woman of Valor was also a woman of happiness.
              John Kralik was an attorney in LA and at the age of 53, he found himself in a particularly disheartening position. He was on his second divorce, alienated from his two kids, financially stressed out, unable to give his employees a Christmas bonus, he didn’t feel good about his weight, and on top of everything else, he was just feeling miserable. One day, on a hike, he decided that something had to change and in response to that yearning, he decided that he would write one thank you note each day to someone for whom he ought feel a sense of gratitude. And so he set about this task that culminated in a book entitled, “365 Thank Yous: The Year a Simple Act of Daily Gratitude Changed My Life.” Right now, you may think that you don’t have 365 thank yous to give, and if you think that, you’re right, because I estimate that just about everyone has 10,000 thank yous to give. The fact of the matter is that grateful people tend to be happy people. They forever see what they have as a blessing of sorts, and this even among those people who are not necessarily religious.
              What is it about hakarat hatov, acknowledging the good in life, that makes us happy. I think the issue has to do with a human evolutionary adaptation to the environment, in which identifying danger or problems register foremost in our brains. We can understand this easier if you think about the media and what sells. What sells? Bad news. Everyone is interested in bad news. We are almost predisposed to a fascination with bad news, probably because it serves as a warning to do whatever we need to do in order to protect ourselves. Good news? It doesn’t sell! Good news requires no action or response on our part but a mass shooting, a terrorist attack, a vicious hurricane, wildfires, etc. that will get our attention. That then is why gratitude makes us happier because all the other stuff that we are biologically and psychologically drawn to is not making us happier. It also suggests that we are biologically drawn to a distorted perception of the world because by ignoring or paying short shrift to the good, we read out of the world the good that actually is. We distort the reality of our lives. It is only by saying thank you that we actually correct the distortion and literally get a grip on reality.
              The story is told of a young man in his thirties who goes off to one of these male bonding weekends where the whole issue of men getting in touch with their feelings is discussed. On the agenda are all the people that have done good for us whom we have never properly thanked. The conference comes to a close and the young man returns home, having made a promise to thank his father whom he believes he has never properly thanked. He gets his father on the phone and his father says, “Oh, nice to hear from you son, l’ll get your mother.” The young man says “No, Dad, I want to talk to you.” There is a pause in the conversation and his father replies, “Are you in trouble?” The son says “No, Dad.” The father says, “You need money?” The son says, “No, Dad—I just want to say thank you for being such a great father and supporting me these many years and always being there when I needed you.” There s another pause in the conversation, and the father asks, “Have you been drinking?”
              The point is that if you think about those times when someone has actually taken time out and thanked you, it may have taken you by surprise but it probably also made you feel really good. Think about how many people you could make happy by virtue of a simple expression of gratitude. We are all veritable happiness making machines.
              How often after one of these terrible mass shootings do we hear neighbors talk about the alleged shooter in terms like these—He was so quiet. He kept to himself. He never bothered anyone. And, of course, the shock value in all this is the combination of an irrational act of terror from someone who otherwise has seemed so overwhelmingly polite or, in the very least, innocuous. But what people may be describing, perhaps unknowingly, are individuals who are socially isolated, who don’t belong or fit into traditional communities that would otherwise reign in the wayward thinking and anger of its members.
              In Christian faith communities, you have people talking about the true meaning of Christianity and it is a tool for dealing with people’s anger. So yes—you may in fact hate your neighbor, but wait—Is that very Christian of you? Maybe you have to rethink that hatred of your neighbor. And in Judaism, there was always a concept of mipnei darkei shalom, meaning “for purposes of peace.” Yes, we know that you are averse to participating in certain affairs of the wider community, but you know what—you’re going to participate anyway mipnei darkei shalom, for purposes of peace, and remember, Jewish people are big proponents of peace. I don’t mean to suggest that either faith community offers  a foolproof structure for tempering the passions of their constituent hot heads, but they do have such mechanisms in place that can respond to people with such proclivities, hopefully before someone does something foolish and or tragic.
              When people grow alienated from that tradition, what will serve as the energy to counter their baser inclinations? Remember we live in an age where religion is viewed with suspicion, some of that attitude justified given the bad behavior of clergy, and we also live in an age where the emphasis on individualism condones the life choices of loners. I’m going to make a couple of generalizations now—always dangerous—but I think they are justified as a broad sweeping observation, with notable exceptions.
1.       It’s hard to be happy alone;
2.       Joy is an emotion almost always shared with someone else;
It is no accident that when the Torah commands us to be joyous over a festival, as for example it does with Sukkot (coming up in just a few days), it then adds that you must be joyous “with your son and daughter (read that as your family), your male and female slave (read that as your employees), the Levite (read that as the local leadership), the stranger, the fatherless and the widow (read them as the people whose life situations inhibit them from full participation in the community). In other words, don’t let anyone play the loner. Everyone should feel the joy because that’s how we experience joy. No one truly experiences joy sitting in front of a computer screen.
              Unless you’re talking to your grandchildren. Have I told you about my grandchildren? Wait—this is important, and it has to do with the role of the Internet in our lives. We are struggling as a modern liberal society to determine the effects of the Internet on our lives and we will probably not fully understand its impact for at least another couple generations. On the one hand it is an incredible tool of staying in touch with loved ones. Anyone who has used Face Time or Google Hangout or Zoom knows firsthand the power of this technology. On the other hand, the way we consume entertainment these days, or listen to lectures, from Netflix to Amazon Prime to On Demand to Spotify, all these applications which have brought the world into our kitchens, our dens, and our bedrooms, have also given us reason to never leave home. Remember the old American Express ads which touted the American Express credit car with the slogan, “Never leave home without it”? That ad would no longer resonate in this new generation of technology. Now you have few reasons to ever leave home because the purchase can be made from the comfort of your home. Does that keep us connected or is it isolating us socially from one another. And if we grow increasingly socially isolated from one another, can we ever be happy?
              There is a Conservative Movement teshuvah, a rabbinic answer to an interesting question about whether one can create a minyan on-line. In other words, let’s say we decided, next year, instead of coming to shul for Kol Nidre, everyone stayed at home and tuned into the Zoom Room Kol Nidrei service, and we get 1200 people in the same cyberspace room. Would that make for a legitimate minyan? My initial response to that questions was—What a great idea! Maybe not for Kol Nidre but during the week—why schlep out to the synagogue for an evening service? Stay at home, log onto the Zoom Room, we get ten people and a minyan we have made. The rabbis rejected the idea. They said there is no such thing as a minyan in Cyberspace. A minyan must take place in real space. In real space we can put a hand on someone’s shoulder, we can talk to a person with our mouths and read their facial expressions, we can create holy space by filling physical space with sacred and ancient sentiments—that’s a minyan. We dare not think that community can be real, if the community isn’t in real space. To be part of a community is to feel a sense of belonging, and a sense of belonging creates happiness.
              It turns out a lot of things we think would make us happy don’t. Do you think that having a bigger house will make you happy? Researchers have determined it doesn’t. What about having great grades in school? No—that apparently doesn’t make students happy. What about being able to take a long and luxurious vacation? No—that won’t make you happier. What about making more money? Will that make you happy? Two Nobel Laureates in Economics, Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, studied 1000 American households and did find a positive correlation between making more money and happiness, but only up to about $75,000. After that, there seems to be little increase in happiness as one’s income rises. That puts the price of happiness at about $75,000—I’m going to say $78,000 because I want to adjust for inflation.
              What about time? Do you think having more time would make you happy? There is this relationship between time and money in so far as some people believe that time is money. But that is just a platitude that doesn’t hold up under analysis. A professor at the Harvard Business School, Ashley Whillans, teamed up with Elizabeth Dunn, a professor at the University of British Columbia, to study how people interact with money versus time. And they discovered something very interesting. They found that if they were to give someone $100, that person would likely spend it on a treat of sorts, some unbudgeted item. On the other hand, given an extra hour, the person would use it to complete some task, bills, yardwork, and so forth. It’s odd because treated as commodities, money is very elastic—you can theoretically get more of it by working an extra job. Were you to pay your bills with it, you would still have some left over for a treat. Time, in contrast, is very inelastic. You only have so much of it. But once people get a little extra of it, they use it for stuff that they are already committed to doing. The odd thing is that when asked about time, many Americans, especially parents, express a sense of exasperation, of feeling rushed and pressured, of wishing they had more time to spend with their family and friends. There is, on balance, far greater satisfaction that comes with an abundance of time in contrast with what may come from an abundance of money, yet given the extra  time, people waste it on doing what they already are slated to do. They don’t use their time for a treat.  Isn’t it interesting that within Jewish tradition, time is sanctified. The Festivals, Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—all times when we are actually forbidden from doing the very work that had we the extra time, we would definitely use to complete that work. And yet, the tradition says, don’t use it in that way. The work gets done. The pay checks will come. But once the time passes, there is no getting it back. It is precisely because it is so finite in its nature—at least for a living human being—that time becomes infinitely more precious than money. If we had more time, we would be happier, provided we used it wisely.
              There was a woman living in a poor, rural town, far into the countryside, that the townspeople regarded as a surly, sour witch. Frankly, the townspeople were not terribly nice either, so you can imagine just how terrible the old woman must have been! She seemed always complaining, always bitter, always spiteful. Most people avoided her. She was uniquely unlikeable. And then, on her 80th birthday, she threw a party for the townspeople. They weren’t sure what to make of it. Go to that party of that ungrateful, resentful curmudgeon? Then again—it was a party—music, dancing, free food and drink. They went and to their utter surprise, found a woman completely changed—singing, laughing, playing the hostess with the mostess and making sure that all the guests were well taken care of. It came time to cut the cake and she called for a bit of order in the towns square. She was about to make a speech. She welcomed the guests. She expressed the hope that they were having a good time. She emphasized how much she wanted them to take a slice of cake and the party favors she provided for all. And then she said—If I seem different to you this day it is because I am. All my life I have been pursuing happiness and for eighty years, I have failed to find it. And so, I have decided to stop pursuing happiness, because I have discovered that happiness is not out there. Pursue happiness and you will find only unhappiness, because true happiness is in here (point to heart) and it is up to you to create it.
              The townspeople were stunned and had never heard such profound thoughts from anyone, no less from a woman they had so disliked. And so the townspeople got their cake and their party favors, they walked back to their cottages next to a beautiful river shimmering in the moonlight, gazed at the stars shining brilliantly in the night sky above them, breathed in the rich fragrance of the fields of grass stretching out beyond them for miles, and it suddenly dawned on them all just how rich they really were, and that sense of wealth in things intangible, made them happy.
There is actually a very simple happiness test that you can take which will determine whether you are happy or not. I had to think a bit before taking it because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. Anyway, I took the test which is all of four questions, and as it turns out, I am happy to report that I am happy. But I think I already knew that. Anyway, on this most sacred day of the year, I want to wish you all life, liberty, but not the pursuit of happiness, for that is a sure path toward finding nothing more than unhappiness. Rather, I wish you the strength and wisdom to create your own happiness, and that way, you will never have to take a test to find out if you are or you aren’t.
Tzom Kal—Have an Easy but also a Very Fulfilling Fast!

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